So few places stands out or are yet to be touched.
Disclaimer This application is an attempt to automate a manual process and help make things easier for LOTRO users. It attempts to take some of the leg work away from user having to manually download, create folders, and unzip download. I have a lower-level alt (65), who has acquired a Compendium of Middle Earth II. LOTRO Plugin Compendium (LPC) is a utility application to assist in installing and updating lotro LUA plugins. The craft guilds of Middle-earth have produced recipes that utilize the wealth of information within these pages. Epic drama set thousands of years before the events of J.R.R.

This project really highlighted one thing to me about LOTRO: SSG has really covered so much of Middle Earth now. Official website for The Lord of the Rings Online with game information, developers diaries, frequently asked questions and message boards. Compendium of Middle-earth, Volume II Slot: Component Description: 'This volume was given to you by Legindir, a relic-master who plies his trade in Ost Galadh in Emyn Lum. Mordor, in particular, is based off of the drawn map of Mordor we get in-game. Someone sent me some gear in the mail (Im level 19). Envisioning unvisited areas was a lot of fun though. Thanks to everyone on Brandywine who has made me feel welcome. I attempted to blend the in-game map more-or-less seamlessly into the rest of the map, but naturally we're left with some blank areas which would've been wrong for me to fill up. It is therefore a highly accurate representation of the in-game world. The Compendium is used to for all the Teal crafted relics from the crafters guilds, they all require kindred. This map is made using the app Wonderdraft, and the map is based off of the in-game terrain map as found on this site. It turned into a really exciting project for me, but I'm pleased to have it finally finished.
I didn't think it'd be possible, but a few people have asked me to try a full map and I got to experimenting. This map I made is also much better organized and could better convey the clickable elements.I got a lot of positive feedback for my previous maps of Rohan and Dunland, which I'm very grateful for. LOTRO Plugin Compendium (LPC) is a utility application to assist in installing and updating lotro LUA plugins. This is something that I would like to see for the in-game map of Middle-earth someday (preferably in bigger size, in high res and scrollable like the stablemaster map). From the Shire to Lothlórien - adventure in a masterful recreation of Middle-earth. (Although I had to make some well-educated guesses about portions of the map not yet in game, not to mention the Rhun conundrum and Orocarni.) From the Shire to Lothlórien - adventure in a masterful recreation of Middle-earth. Unlike the in-game maps that we had over the years, this map actually better represents the actual in-game terrain and proportions!