Eli eli lama sabachthani pronunciation
Eli eli lama sabachthani pronunciation

eli eli lama sabachthani pronunciation

Now I don't worry about how to say it, or how to pronounce it. How about linking to it? There are links on this page to put it in your favorites, so that the next time you say, "How to pronounce.?" it will be right there in your favorites!!! I used to feel awkward reading these names, not knowing the right pronunciation of each word. If you like it, please tell your friends about it. This site is to assist in knowing how to pronounce difficult terms from Bible times. Shanghai-based artist Yu Jiade's interpretation of Jesus as The Good ShepherdĪrabah EHR-uh-buh, Aram AY-ram, Aramean ehr-uh-MEE-uhn, Araunah uh-RAW-nuh, Archelaus ahr-kee-LAY-uhs, Archippus ahr-KIHP-uhs, Areopagus ehr-ee-AH-puh-guhs, Arimathea ehr-uh-muh-THEE-uh, Aristarchus ehr-ihs-TAHR-kuhs, Aroer uh-RO-er, Artaxerxes agr-tak-SERK-seez, Asa AY-suh, Asahel A-suh-hehl, Asaph AY-saf, Asher ASH-er, Ashpenaz ASH-pee-naz, Ashtaroth ASH-tahr-awth, Asmodeus az-mo-DEE-uhs, Aspens AS-pehnz, Asser AS-er, Assisi uh-SEE-zee, Assyria a-SIHR-ee-uh, Astarte as-TAHR-tee, Athalia ath-uh-LAI-uh, Athanasius ath-uh-NAY-shuhs, Attalia at-TAH-lee-uh, Augustine uh-GUHS-tihn, Aven AY-vn, Avila AH-vih-luh, Azariah az-uh-RAI-uh, Azor AY-sawr, Azotus uh-ZO-tus, Azzur AZ-er Your donation of any size will help me maintain this site for you.Īaron EHR-uhn, Abana AB-uh-nuh, Abba AB-uh, Abednego uh-BEHD-nee-go, Abel-Keramin AY-b'l-KEHR-uh-mihn, Abel-Meholah AY-b'l-mee-HO-lah, Abiathar uh-BAI-uh-ther, Abiel AY-bee-ehl, Abiezrite ay-bai-EHZ-rait, Abijah ab-uh-LEE-neh, Abilene uh-BAI-dzhuh, Abimelech uh-BIHM-uh-lehk, Abinadab uh-BIHN-uh-dab, Abishai uh-BIH SH-ay-ai, Abiud uh-BAI-uhd, Abraham AY-bruh-ham, Abram AY-bruh-ham, Absalom AB-suh-luhm, Abyss uh-BIHS, Acacia uh-KAY-shuh, Achaia uh-KAY-yuh, Achbor AK-bawr, Achim AY-kihm, Aeneas uh-NEE-uhs, Agabus AG-uh-buhs, Agag AY-gag, Agrippa uh-GRIH-puh, Ahab AY-hab, Ahasuerus ay-HAS-eeoo-EHR-uhs, Ahaz AY-haz, Ahaziah ay-haz-AI-uh, Ahijah Ahiah uh-HAI-dzhuh, Ahikam uh-HAI-kam, Ahiqar Ahikar uh-hee-KAR, Ai AY-ee, Alexandria al-ehg-ZAN-dree-uh, Alleluia ah-lay-LOO-yuh, Aloes AL-oz, Alpha AHL-fuh, Alphaeus AL-fee-uhs, Amalek AM-uh-lehk, Amalekites AM-uh-luh-kaits, Amaziah am-uh-ZAI-uh, Amen ah-MEHN, Amittai uh-MIH-tai, Amminadab ah-MIHN-uh-dab, Ammonite AM-uh-nait, Amorite AM-uh-rait, Amos AY-muhs, Amoz AY-muhz, Ampliatus am-plee-AY-tuhs, Anakim, Ananias an-uh-NAI-uhs, Anathoth AN-uh-thahth, Andronicus an-draw-NAI-kuhs, Angela Merici AN-dzheh-luh_meh-REE-tshee, Annas AN-uhs, Anselm AN-sehlm, Ansgar ANS-gahr, Antichrist AN-tih-kraist, Antioch AN-tih-ahk, Antiochus an-TAI-uh-kuhs, Aphek AY-phek, Aphiah uh-FAI-uh, Apocrypha uh-PAH-krih-fuh, Apollos uh-PAH-luhs, Apostasy uh-PAHS-tuh-see, Apphia AF-ee-uh, Appius AP-ee-uhs, Aquila uh-KWIHL-uh, Aquinas uh-KWAI-nuhs, Arab EHR-uhb YOU CAN DO IT, TOO! A J Baltes recites the Bible by MemoryĬlick to see A J Baltes Pronouncing by MEMORY "Start to Finish" all 20,000 words of Saint John's Gospel!!!

eli eli lama sabachthani pronunciation

If you like this Web site, please let others know about it. When you are in a group of people, you could be the only person who knows exactly the way the Biblical words should be pronounced! Bible words can be extremely difficult to pronounce, so it helps us to hear them spoken correctly by audio. " So, if you would like to hear audio of the biblical words pronounced, and you have know how to pronounce them, just click the links. ?" or "How do I pronounce?" or "What's the pronunciation of. Sometimes you might ask, "How do you pronounce. Hope you enjoy pronouncing the words yourself reading the grey hyperlinks. You are encouraged to turn on your audio, then read on and discover how you can help yourself pronounce many bible words. "How Do I Pronounce Hard Bible Names and Words?"ĭid you ever ask "how do you pronounce." concerning a bible name? You can perfect your Bible words pronunciation and know how to say most of them correctly.

Eli eli lama sabachthani pronunciation